Machines Boomerang Bonus

Machines Boomerang Bonus Campaign is available at the stores listed below:

  1. Machines Boomerang Bonus Campaign voucher(s) are valid for thirty (30) days and begin at the point of voucher issuance.
  2. Vouchers issued for this program is limited for use in the issued store only. Eg, if voucher is issued by Machines 1st Avenue Apple Reseller Store then the voucher can only be redeemed in Machines 1st Avenue Apple Reseller Store.
  3. Purchases must be made in a single invoice to receive the voucher.
  4. Combination of invoices are not allowed and will be not be rewarded with a voucher under this program.
  5. The purchase value must exceed the voucher value and are not exchangeable or redeemable for cash.
  6. Only one (1) voucher will be issued per transaction on a first come first serve basis.
  7. Only one (1) voucher redemption is allowed per customer per transaction.
  8. Vouchers are issued at the point of purchase and can only be used for the next purchase.
  9. Vouchers are not transferable among recipients; each voucher is unique.
  10. Vouchers are not valid and stackable with other vouchers, discounted items, loyalty/privilege programs
  11. Full General Vouchers Terms and conditions click here